Accreditated B
The bachelor of Sharia Economics study program received B accreditation from the National Accreditation Board
Vision and Mission
Becoming an Excellent Study Program in the Development of Islamic Economics based on Halal Agro-industry that is Environmentally Friendly and International Standard
Organizing Education
Carry out environmental education and agro-industry based on monotheism, science and technology development, and community dynamics
Applying knowledge
Carrying out research that is oriented towards the development of Environmentally Friendly Islamic Economics and Agro-industry
Building Synergies
Carrying out active community service based on environmental insight and agro-industry
National and International Cooperation
Develop a network of cooperation with various agencies both domestic and foreign that focus on institutional development and improving the quality of the academic community
Professional, innovative, creative and have good morals and have superior competence in the field of Sharia Economic Development and Sharia Business Management
Experts in the field of Islamic economics with an environmental perspective and agro-industry who can apply their knowledge to solve economic problems
Adaptive and able to continue education in the field of sharia economics
Agile and able to adapt to science and technology developments based on moral and ethical values