Research and Community Service Groups
Agropella 22
This Research Group (Agropella 22) is the initial stage to gather various views and thoughts as well as empirical experiences from lecturers to study and analyze the implementation of Sustainable Regional Development. Agropolitan and Sustainable Regional Planning Research Group (Agropella 22) in the implementation of its research will enrich various approaches from various points of view towards planning and developing sustainable regional on the basis of agropolitan activities. In addition, it will produce alternatives and variants of regional development models that can be used as a reference scenario adapted to the local situation of various regions spread across Indonesia.
Dr. Herman Cahyo Diartho, S.E., M.P
Dr. Endah Kurnia Lestari, S.E., M.E.
Dr. Duwi Yunitasari, S.E., M.E.
Fivien Muslihatinningsih, S.E., M.Si
Financial Institutions, Agribusiness And Rural Policy
This Research Group is conducting studies in the field of Finance and Financial Institutions, Agriculture and Agribusiness, Rural Development starting from systems, policies, implementation and evaluation in support of agricultural, rural development policies and national development policies;
Dr. Moehammad Fathorrazi, M.Si.
Agriculture, Agribusiness and Rural Development Based on Digital Technology
This research group is developing studies on the role of social capital in the form of: bonding, bridging and linking to the empowerment of ICT-based agriculture, agribusiness and rural development. This research group aims to contribute to the repertoire of science by filling gaps in theoretical phenomena.
Dr. Herman Cahyo Diartho, S.E., M.P
SRD (Sustainable Regional Development
SRD (Sustainable Regional Development) Research Group aims to develop a theory of sustainable regional development (SRD) as well as empirical aspects of a sustainable regional development model on the basis of smart farming activities and sustainable tourism by taking into account advances in information technology. The target of the Research Group is in the context of sustainable regional development on the basis of economic, social and environmental activities in Indonesia and internationally in general and specifically applied in various regions. In addition, it is also to integrate underdeveloped regions in the structure of the national economy so that gaps between regional developments can be reduced. The ultimate goal of this research and service activity at KERIS is how to model a sustainable regional development that can create justice and prosperity for the community.
Dr. Herman Cahyo Diartho, S.E., M.P
Dr. Endah Kurnia Lestari, S.E., M.E.
Behavioral Economics On Monetary, Financial, And Development Policy (BENEFITLY)
"BENEFITLY" is a group of researchers who carry out research related to economics, especially behavioral economics in providing policy recommendations and providing alternative choices in solving policy-making problems in the fields of monetary, public, financial, and development economics.
Adhitya Wardhono, S.E., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr. Yulia Indrawati, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Ciplis Gema Qori'ah, S.E., M.Sc
Agribusiness Development Through Human Capital Based on Digital Technology (Agrimental)
The Agribusiness Development Through Human Capital based on Digital Technology (Agrimental) Research Group is a research group that will carry out research activities in the fields of agricultural, agribusiness and rural development to solve problems related to innovation in the field of digital technology and produce research outputs in the form of development models in accordance with the development of the second industrial revolution. -four that provide benefits both in the field of learning and improving the welfare of the community.
Dr. Moehammad Fathorrazi, M.Si.
Monetary And Public Economics Studies (MPES)
The Monetary And Public Economics Studies and Community Service is Research Group from Development Economics study program from the Faculty of Economics, University of Jember which focuses on studies in the monetary sector, financial institutions both bank and non-bank as well as studies related to the study of the budget sector both revenue and government spending. The study covers several aspects, namely, 1) Monetary and fiscal policies especially those related to the agro-industry sector; 2) bank and non-bank financial institutions, both conventional and sharia; 3) government revenue both central and regional; 4) Continuing research results into community service.
Dr. Dra. Sebastiana Viphindrartin, M.Kes
Dr. Regina Niken Wilantari, S.E., M.Si.
Rachmania Nurul Fitri Amijaya, S.E., M.SEI.
Mohammad Zeqi Yasin,S.E., M.Sc
Sustainable Local Economics Development/SLED
This Research and community service group is the initial stage to collect various views and thoughts as well as empirical experience from various lecturers to examine and analyze a phenomenon related to local economic development (Local Economic Development / LED), as well as a vehicle for actualizing the application of science and technology to help increase public knowledge. The Local Economic Development/LED program is a regional economic policy that generally focuses on leveraging sectors that can have a major influence on improving the regional economic system. The aim of the Local Economic Development/LED program is to provide the prime mover of development to achieve high economic growth and adequate job creation.
Dr. Teguh Hadi Priyono, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Rafael Purtomo Somaji, M.Si.
Trade, Labor, and Industrial Organization on International Economics Perspective (KeRis-DiMas DeLion)
DeLion is a group of researchers and volunteers who serve as a forum for: 1) scientific development both academically and practically (research); 2) the results of which can be implemented in society through community service programs; 3) facilitating the entire team to carry out capacity building according to their respective knowledge; and 4) involving students in carrying out umbrella research and implementing Community Service which focuses on the fields of international trade, industry and employment, as well as Geographical Economics in the perspective of International Economics which has recently become a hotly discussed issue.
Dr. Lilis Yuliati, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Siti Komariyah, S.E., M.Si.
Fajar Wahyu Prianto, S.E., M.E.